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Title Summary Tags
S41 Priority Species Priority species listed under Section 41 (S41) of the 2006 Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act. status
saline lagoon A relatively rare aquatic habitat heavily influenced by sea water but not wave action. Subjected to evaporation or precipitation makes them vary between hyper-saline and weakly saline throughout the season. habitat
saline silt Silts in coastal situations that are strongly influenced by saline water. resource
saltmarsh A habitat dominated by plants and covered by saltwater at high tide. They are restricted to less exposed shorelines, characterised by net deposition of fine sediment. However, they are still defined by levels of salinity and tidal disturbance. habitat
saltmarsh & transitional brackish marsh The assemblage type is mainly found in areas that are inundated by spring tides or storm surges. SAT
saltmarsh vegetation Terrestrial plants including reeds, grasses, herbs and rushes that tend to form dense stands, stand tall and root in wet soil and/or water. resource
sand A granular material consisted of finely divided rock particles often found underlying heathland, dunes and some grassland systems and can be interspersed with larger rocks and cobbles. resource
sandy beach A habitat which includes the drift line and immediate upper intertidal and supralittoral zones of seashore dominated by sand and, to a lesser extent, shingle. The habitat is saline and subject to tidal disturbance, augmented by storm surges at irregular intervals. habitat
sandy beaches The assemblage type is found on sandy shores subject to tidal disturbance. SAT
sandy river An in-channel, submerged habitat with a sandy river bed. resource
sap runs (adult) Species that feed on sap as adults. resource
sapwood & bark decay Species associated with the outer layers of decaying wood in various situations, on both young and old trees. resource
scorched wood A small number of species are only known from fire-damaged wood, or are most regularly found in this situation. Others are associated with bonfire sites. resource
scrub A sub-woodland tree resource, formed of either young tree species, or those forming woodland understory in woodland, either as woodland edge or as an invading resource into other habitats. It has value in offering shelter, micro-climates, and additional structure to invertebrates, but can diminish other resources if unchecked. resource
scrub at wood edge/glade Species only associated with scrub and understorey at the wood edge or within a glade where there is direct sunlight but the conditions are sheltered. resource
scrub edge The assemblage type is found where scrub or woodland grades into or is interspersed with open areas of grassland, heathland or early successional vegetation types. SAT
scrub-heath & moorland The assemblage type is found on nutrient-poor, acid soils where herbaceous or dwarf shrub vegetation is dominant, although trees and taller shrubs can be an important component of the overall habitat. SAT
sea cliff Hard rocks forming vertical and near vertical cliff faces at the coast, supporting invertebrates that utilise rock crevices and bare ground, as well as associated thin soils and open vegetation at the cliff top. habitat
seeds Species feeding on the seeds of the plant. resource
seepage This wide ranging assemblage occupies a range of seepage types from shaded seepages to open calcareous seepages. SAT
Seepage fidelity score - acid-neutral Seepage fidelity score for species associated with acid-neutral seepages quality index
Seepage fidelity score - calcareous Seepage fidelity score for species associated with calcareous seepages quality index
Seepage fidelity score - slumping cliff Seepage fidelity score for species associated with slumping cliff seepages quality index
Seepage fidelity score - stable cliff Seepage fidelity score for species associated with stable cliff seepages quality index
Seepage fidelity score - woodland Seepage fidelity score for species associated with woodland seepages quality index
seepages A seepage is a moist or wet place where water, usually groundwater, reaches the ground surface from an underground aquifer. resource
shaded seepage Shaded seepages are found under alder or willow (sallow) woodland in valley bottoms, and under birch or sometimes alder-ash woodland on hillsides. The soil is constantly saturated and usually contains a large proportion of organic matter giving rise to deep ooze. resource
shaded woodland floor Found in closed canopy woodland and scrub, where it is separated vertically rather than horizontally from arboreal assemblage types. It is associated with low levels of disturbance. habitat
shadiness Description of the amount of shade required within a woodland, currently classed as light or heavy habitat
shallow freshwater pond A pond (generally up to 2ha in area) is a body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is usually smaller than a lake . Freshwater ponds are those that are not affected by a high salinity. resource
shallow water Standing water that tends to be just a few centimetres deep. As such it is often a lot warmer, favouring plant growth as well augmenting animal activity. resource
shingle Rocky substrates larger than sand, and formed of pebbles and stones. Often found on beaches. Note - different from riparian shingle that is found next to rivers. resource
shingle banks This assemblage is dependent on repeated turnover of coarse grained sediment by spates and so is sensitive to management of river channels, river catchments and changes in rainfall patterns. SAT
short sward & bare ground In lowland habitats where disturbance removes vegetation to create areas of bare or sparsely vegetated ground. habitat
slow flow Water flow that does not have the energy to scour away vegetation, often leaving fringing vegetation. Silt deposition is common. Associated with canals and sluggish rivers. resource
slow-flowing rivers The assemblage type is found in slow-flowing rivers on silty substrata, generally in lower and middle catchments. SAT