exposed sea-cliff

Current ISIS code: F113

Previous assemblage name: F131 & F132

Linked assemblage: F111 bare sand & chalk & F112 open short sward; it is possibly a sub-community of either SAT, and has a small group of marker species.

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: 

montane & upland

Current ISIS code: F221

Previous assemblage name: n/a

Linked assemblage: n/a

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This assemblage type is characterised by a several invertebrate groups, but especially beetles and spiders.

reed-fen & pools

Current ISIS code: W314

Previous assemblage name: W122, or W314 rich fen.

Linked assemblage: W313 mesotrophic fen

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This assemblage type is characterised by a number of groups, but especially two-winged flies and beetles.

moss & tussock fen

Current ISIS code: W313

Previous assemblage name: W125 tussock fens with moss edges.

Linked assemblage: W314 reed-fen & pools.

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This assemblage type is mainly characterised by water beetles, but also by terrestrial beetles and two-winged flies.

Sphagnum bog

Current ISIS code: W312

Previous assemblage name: W312 acid mire, W145 neutral/acid seepages, & W112 poor fens.

Linked assemblage: n/a

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This assemblage type is characterised by a large number of species from a variety of taxonomic groups.

open water in acid mire

Current ISIS code: W311

Previous assemblage name: W111 water bodies in acid mire matrix.

Linked assemblage: W312 Sphagnum bog, or F221 montane & upland.

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This aquatic, predominantly upland SAT was reviewed in 2008. It is probably be sensitive to nutrient enrichment and temperature rise.