
Current ISIS code: W126

Previous assemblage name: None. It was established in 2008 as a cross-cutting assemblage.

Linked assemblage: Frequently present with F112 open short sward, although it can turn up in F111 bare sand & chalk, especially in brownfield areas.

slow-flowing rivers

Current ISIS code: W125

Previous assemblage name: None.

Linked assemblage: Various.

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This predominantly aquatic SAT performed surprisingly well in tests, but its habitat requirements and therefore its links to conservation objectives remain unclear at present.

Photo showing a slow flowing river

fast flowing streams & waterfalls

Current ISIS code: W113

Previous assemblage name: W423 fast flowing streams and waterfalls.

Linked assemblage: n/a

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This is a distinctive SAT whose expression is currently handicapped by the small number of characteristic species. It may overlap with W112. It would benefit from have more samples and a re-ordination to establish a broader taxonomic footing.

shingle banks

Current ISIS code: W111

Previous assemblage name: W421 shingle banks.

Linked assemblage: W122 Riparian sand.

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: This assemblage type is mainly characterised by terrestrial ground-living beetles.

sandy beaches

Current ISIS code: M211

Previous assemblage name: W521 sandy beaches.

Linked assemblage: n/a

Description of habitat typically supporting the assemblage: M1 assemblages contain highly specialised species that are adapted to an extreme environment. They share very few species with other assemblage types. Sampling difficulties and the small number of species make M1 assemblages very difficult to evaluate or monitor. Fortunately, they are not currently under any obvious threat.

open short sward

Current ISIS code: F112

Previous assemblage name: F213 lowland short sward calcareous grassland.

Linked assemblage: F111 bare sand & chalk.

It is possible that this assemblage may possess sub-communities which could be recognised on the basis of key larval food plants which might only occur in particular habitat expressions of  this assemblage.

bare sand & chalk

Current ISIS code: F111

Previous assemblage name: Composed of F111, F112 open short sward, and F116 dune, heath & calcareous early successional habitats, but amalgamated by 2007.

Linked assemblage: Can often be found in the company of F112 open short sward.