A (11) | B (24) | C (19) | D (14) | E (15) | F (13) | G (2) | H (8) | I (7) | L (16) | M (11) | N (25) | O (6) | P (5) | R (21) | S (57) | T (8) | U (10) | V (6) | W (19) | Y (1)
Title Summary Tags
NT (Global) Near threatened globally status
NT (European) Near threatened in Europe status
NT Near threatened in Great Britain status
NS (marine) Nationally Scarce (marine species) status
NS Nationally Scarce - a native species recorded from between 16-100 hectads (10km squares) of the OS national grid in Great Britain. status
NR (marine) Nationally Rare (marine species) status
NR Nationally Rare - a native species recorded from between 1-15 hectads (10km squares) of the OS national grid in Great Britain since the modern recording period status
Notable Notable or Nationally Scarce status
Not reviewed The taxon was not assessed for rarity in the review status
Not native The taxon is thought not to be native status
northern lakes & lochs This aquatic assemblage is associated with large northern lakes and may be sensitive to nutrient enrichment and temperature rise. SAT
none Does not have the trait or use the resource resource
None Not rare or scarce status
New to Britain Recently added to the British list and not yet reviewed, but it is still rare as far as we know status
neutral/acid seepage Seepages from more pH neutral or acidic aquifers, such as the sandstones or shales. It will be influenced by the local soils and vegetation. resource
nests Species associated with the nests of other animals; may be further subdivided into types of nest (of vertebrates or other invertebrates). resource
nectar and/or pollen A species visiting flowers to forage on nectar/and or pollen. resource
NE (Global) Not evaluated globally status
NE (European) Not evaluated in Europe status
NE Not evaluated in Great Britain status
Nb Notable B status
NA (Global) Not applicable globally status
NA (European) Not applicable in Europe status
NA Not applicable in Great Britain status
Na Notable A status